Living with CFS/ME

Wednesday 22 February 2012

A Visit to the Osteopath

Monday is Cranial Osteopathy day. Not every week, but once or twice a month I go and see my osteopath. Cranial osteopathy was suggested to me quite some time ago, but it was only six months ago that I acted on it. Initially I did some research and found that some people find it helps their CFS/ME symptoms. I was really feeling I needed to do something and was going through a very unaccepting phase (of having CFS/ME) so I phoned the recommended osteopath and made an appointment. 

I did not know what to expect as I have never done anything like osteopathy before. But I was a little surprised to have two osteopaths at my first appointment. They took a detailed medical history and asked me what I wanted to improve and change. Mainly I wanted more energy and to sleep a bit better. They had me lie down to assess me, or so I thought. I lay there for a long time, with one with hands under my head and the other with hands under my feet. I was encouraged to relax and I gradually I did. They had a bit of a discussion and then moved so one of them had hands under my spine. The time passed quite quickly, but I was unaware of anything really happening or being done. Then they decided that was enough for today and we had a chat about some problems with my coccyx, which I knew were an issue and have affected me since I fell on it in my early teens. I was advised to take it easy for the next few days as they had ‘done quite a lot’. Feeling slightly mystified I made another appointment.

It was only when I went down the stairs outside that realised that they really had done something to me because I was exhausted and my hip was aching. I was rather puzzled as I could have sworn nothing had really happened, and I resolved to pay more attention next time. That night I had the best night’s sleep I had had in months. The exhaustion lasted a few days and the hip pain disappeared fairly quickly. I noticed a feeling of ‘space’ in my lower abdomen and pelvis, this sounds very bizarre, but it is the only way I can describe it. ‘Intense relaxation’ may make more sense, but it really did feel more like ‘space’ being made. I realised that unconsciously I must have been aware of pain in this region caused by my damaged coccyx, because all of a sudden I was aware there wasn’t any pain any more.

Initially the effects only lasted a few days, but as time went on I began to notice significant improvements, that lasted for long and longer after each appointment. My sleep improved dramatically, I began to have a little more energy and the post exertional malaise (being exhausted the day after activity) was reduced. I coped amazingly well over Christmas, with several trips to see family and friends without any problems. My restless leg syndrome (strong sensation of needing to twitch/move) has disappeared, for which I am very grateful as it drove me nuts and kept me awake. And my IBS symptoms have virtually gone, although they still re-emerge at times of stress.

I now know that they do ‘do’ something to me. Having paid attention I notice that the osteopath makes tiny fingertip movements. And although I don’t really know what this does it has a positive effect. Mostly the idea seems to be about reducing my physical symptoms of stress. 

This may sound a bit too good to be true, and yes, in some ways it is. I am very lucky it has helped me as it doesn’t help everyone. But there is a price to be paid. Not just a monetary one, but a physical one. Each appointment leaves me exhausted for up to five days afterwards. It is only after this time that I start to feel the benefits. Then provided nothing really stressful happens (like trips to the vet) I have a really good few weeks until my next appointment. Fortunately, I have help with the financial price, and as for the physical one, it’s one I’m willing to pay. 

On a totally different note, Walter is much improved. His blood test results indicated he has allergies and intolerances of some sort and having been started on hypoallergenic food he is no longer being sick. However, just to finish me off completely he developed a nasty cough immediately after starting the new food and I had two trips to the vets in one day, one of which was out of hours and to the veterinary hospital across town. I was pretty stressed by the end of the day and totally exhausted, and Walter was very tired, but thankfully a course of antibiotics over a few days has returned him to his normal perky self.


  1. I also get pretty tired after the osteopath, but only on that day.
    I do swear by it though, as it has taught me so much about my body, helped me so much and still helps me a lot.

    It has come to the point where I will rather have osteopathy for my pains and aches than normal treatment as it has no side effects and helps better.

    For me, it stops my nausea really well. much better than all the traditional medicine I have.

    1. Yes, it is hugely helpful, and very effective.
