Well, it’s been quite a while since I’ve had a chance to sit
down a write a blog post. I do apologise for my absence. So this is a post just
to fill you all in on what has been going on in the last few months. To say a
lot has happened would be an understatement.
Back in September, I was looking at getting out into the world a bit more again, I’d been to a WI meeting and I have since joined. I also started going to a choir. Whilst this was all going on I had been quietly hunting for a part time job. Fairly soon after I started at the choir I got an interview and then offered a position, not one that I had applied for, but actually a far more suitable one. So I started back at work for a few hours a week.
Just to make
things even more exciting Walter started being sick again. I find taking him to
the vets incredibly stressful and the poor little chap had to go for all sorts
of tests. However, finally we have a diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD). This is not IBS, but something rather more detrimental, where the immune
system attacks the gut and can potentially cause a lot of damage. Fortunately
at this point Walter has it fairly mildly, so fingers crossed it stays mild. He’s
now on some medication and much happier and calmer. It was only with hindsight
that I realised how much it had been affecting him.
What with everything that was going on I decided I had to drop the choir, it was just too much. Then, to top everything else off someone close to me was diagnosed with cancer. It was a bit of a shock to all of us. They have had surgery and are now recovering well, but it hasn’t been an easy time. As a result I’ve missed a few WI meetings, but I have every intention of getting to the February meeting.
Just to add a few more minor problems, several household
items have expired in the last few months, so we’ve had to replace our
microwave and TV. The washing machine is spouting water in all directions, we’re
about the replace our car as it is on it’s last legs (wheels?), and although it
seems a while ago now our central heating stopped working in the autumn. And just
to add to the excitement we have discovered a damp problem in the corner of our
kitchen. All in all it’s been an exhausting
and expensive time.
It doesn’t look like much all written here, but probably
more has happened in the last few months than the whole three years I’ve had
ME, so my spare time for writing has been a little limited. Now, at last, I
have time to catch my breath and I shall be getting back to some writing with
the aid of a wonderful present from my husband of a laptop - which I am
currently using to write this.
I wish you all a happy new year and I shall be writing more
very soon.
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